Is my dog suitable for group walks?


This is a hard question to answer. My short answer is, I don't know!

The long answer. Our dogs are all individual personalities with different preferences. One dog may be suitable for one group and not at all suitable for another. An elderly Labrador might not be up for dealing with an adolescent working cocker but love the company of a rescued greyhound who slowly trods along. Finding the right group can make all the difference!


Are group walks good for dogs?

In general, group dog walks are best suited to dogs who are already well socialised with other dogs, have great recall (even around distractions) and enjoy the company of other dogs. However, I've taken on plenty of nervous dogs and rescue dogs, and after some solo walks to build our relationship and trust, some solid positive reinforcement training from the owner and gentle introductions to small groups, I've seen how group walks can help a shy dog find some doggie pals and a little more confidence. It's really important to note though that not every dog is, or needs to be, a social butterfly. Some dogs really do just prefer to walk with their human and be left to their own devices and us dog walkers are not qualified to train or assess behaviour issues, especially in a group environment.

Would my dog enjoy a group walk?

So, I think the most important thing to ask yourself is 'would my dog enjoy a group walk?'. If you're hesitant then opt for solos or find a walker who does small group walks with slow introductions and take your cues from the dog. Not enjoying it? Don't push it. Us dog walkers are here for fun and good times! An experienced walker should be able to match up your dog with other suitable personalities but nothing is a given and be prepared to have a trial period.

So, is your dog suitable for group walks? I don't know! Let's meet up and talk it through.


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